submission guidelines

for writers: we publish fiction, creative non fiction, flash, and poetry. for fiction & CNF, please do not exceed 1,500 words. for flash, please do not exceed 500 words. please submit only one piece at a time. for poetry, please do not submit more than 3 poems at a time & do submit all poems in one file.

for photographers: please submit 2-6 photos in one file.

for visual artists: please submit 1-3 pieces in one file.

to submit: please email in the subject line, please include your name and category of art. please include a short bio as well.

at heaven, you are giving us the right to publish your work. you own 100% of the intellectual and commercial properties of your work. you do not own the right to any royalties or properties of the magazine. any submissions with obvious grammatical errors will not be considered.

lead editor

Alexa Joyce